Services: A/B Testing , Paid & Account-Based Media , UX & Design
At a Glance
Our client had been constrained by lackluster landing pages and website design for some time. While they were meeting lead goals, they knew they could do better if they could test what was and wasn’t working when it came to generating leads.
Our initial focus was on improving paid landers, because the client was already paying to bring traffic to them. Any improvement in this area was a direct improvement to their bottom line. From there, we developed a strategy to expand testing to the website as a whole, focusing our efforts on tests that would improve traffic flow to key parts of the site and improve conversion rates in these areas.
Convertiv started by creating a version of their paid lander that was cleaner and shorter. We removed everything that was not vital to educating the visitor about what they would receive if they signed up and began our testing process with this lander and the client’s original lander. We then performed a sequence of experiments, adding and tweaking various elements aimed at improving performance further. Once the procedure for landers was in place, we turned our attention to the main website. We targeted highly trafficked or high-priority conversion pages and adjusted them iteratively to improve performance.
Conversion rates improved significantly on both the landers (30% overall) and website (15% overall), contributing heavily to our client’s ability to meet their extremely aggressive growth goals every quarter. As a result of their lead generation success, they were acquired by a leading investment firm for more than $100 million.
increase in landing page conversion
increase in overall conversion
A properly designed landing page can be an extremely powerful lead-generation tool in conjunction with digital marketing efforts.