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Drive and Convert 2-4x More Pipeline from Target Accounts

Our Growth Architects will help you unlock repeatable growth and pipeline, while reducing customer acquisition costs and waste

In today’s B2B market, “Growth at all Costs” has been supplanted by “Efficient Growth.” But obtaining predictable, repeatable growth is a challenge hindered by siloed sales and marketing functions, inconsistent data between revenue systems, and inefficiencies in digital advertising and growth marketing programs.

Does this sound familiar? Your growth and demand gen teams face:

  • Low Conversion Rates: An inability to move the needle on high-intent engagement points, with a non-existent or limited conversion rate optimization process.
  • Limited Optimization: Ineffective paid advertising programs with siloed (in-platform only) optimization tactics. Low confidence of where to invest the next dollar.
  • Underutilized Data: 1st and 3rd party intent data are not optimized or activated effectively by marketing or sales.
  • Alignment Challenges: Lack of process coordination between digital, ops, and, of course, sales, along with limited SLAs and visibility into handoffs between teams.
  • Manual Reporting: Lack of automation forces inefficiencies across the Revenue organization and at the executive level when inconsistent numbers and metrics are involved.
  • Limited Resources: Despite significant martech investments, resourcing (internal or external) remains restricted.

Convertiv’s Growth Team-as-a-Service is designed to offer immediate support, helping your sales and marketing team’s quest toward efficient pipeline generation, conversion, and growth. Our growth SMEs will reconfigure and streamline your lead engagement processes to ensure alignment between sales and marketing on target accounts, alongside data and infrastructure optimization to improve target account visibility, engagement, and personalization.

Trust our Growth Team experts to help your marketing team optimize everything from lead routing and validation, to campaign targeting and performance, resulting in:

  • Increased pipeline from target accounts
  • Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs
  • Increased efficiency – more marketing, less firefighting, without adding budget, headcount or resources

“The expertise and support we get from Convertiv are unmatched. I have all the confidence in the world in them.”

Kirsten Wyzanski Director of Digital Marketing and Operation, Cynosure/Hologic
Drive Growth from Target Accounts