< Web Team-as-a-Service

DesignOps & Design Systems

A coordinated design and dev effort to automate handoffs, eliminate silos and accelerate development

Orchestrating the Operational Process for Digital Design Excellence

Web Team-as-a-Service

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Successful digital outcomes require well-orchestrated collaboration between design and dev teams to quickly and effectively turn design concepts into production-ready code. But too often, these teams work in silos and rely on manual handoff processes that are prone to errors and inconsistencies. A component-driven UI approach with automated design handoff will bring your design and development activities into a single, highly efficient framework.

This is exactly where Convertiv comes in to help. Our DesignOps team, enabled by our open-source project, Handoff, will break away from conventional silos and implement a modern workflow for design execution. By owning the operational process around design and creating structural standards for every component that your organization will use on its web properties, our DesignOps teams leave room for design expression while ensuring that guardrails are in place for compatibility, performance, and brand consistency.

Eliminating bottlenecks between design and development with Handoff

Handoff is Convertiv’s open-source, Figma design handoff and automation tool that streamlines design processes and accelerates development time. With Handoff, your team can automate the design asset delivery process, eliminating silos and bottlenecks between design and development.

Handoff is built and sponsored by Convertiv. The platform offers one-click design token exports for all components, allowing design and dev teams to have everything they need to collaborate, share, preview, and approve designs in one place. With an automated and standardized design handoff process, your products will ship faster with more confidence.

“Convertiv's wealth of experience across the B2B tech landscape provides a goldmine of best practices and insights as well. Put it all together and they are a CMO's secret weapon, capable of demystifying the complexity of marketing technology, finding the simple, effective strategy, and turning us into rock stars.”

JP Laquer Senior Vice President, Marketing at Databank

Component-Driven UI Frameworks

A component-based approach is the key building block for more consistent, automated design handoffs. Based on an understanding of your business objectives, our team will help you create a well-defined set of components and styles that are automation-ready and export-ready through Handoff.

  • Design requirements gathering
  • Component definition and categorization
  • Figma file structuring

Design Automation Tooling

Automation is the key payoff of a component-based design approach. Our team will implement the necessary tooling to bring your modern design system to life. Handoff can extract and transform design tokens for your brand foundations and components, allowing your design and dev teams to align thorugh an automatic, up-to-date design process.

  • Automation tool selection
  • Tool implementation and integration
  • Automated workflow design

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